Miracle is almost 8 and in the 3rd grade this year. She has a really cool male teacher who is in a Christian band and because her class asks a lot of questions, he is able to share his beliefs. She got straight A's on her first report card and we are really excited since this is her first year of letter grades.
Brianna is 6 1/2 and in 1st grade. We like her teacher as well and we are all working together to help Brianna do the best that she can and get the most out of this year. Her teacher says that she reads on a 3rd grade level....now we just have to get her to ENJOY reading!!!
I really do take a lot of pictures of Josh, but didn't realize that I don't catch a lot of him giving a real smile, by himself, while standing perfectly still so that it's not blurry!!
Josh is 2 1/2 now and he asks almost every day if he can go to school or ride the bus. And when he prays, it's always about the girls on the bus! Even though we sent the girls to school at 2, we decided to keep him home another year because he knew what they'd be teaching this year anyway....plus he has 2 teachers and 2 teachers' aides at home!!
Here's me and Gabi. I did finally get her pictures taken (at 6 months) but I haven't scanned them yet. That will be my goal for the next update!
And yes, I'm going to find a picture of Dell to put in here too!
I can't resist. Our main photographer, Brianna, caught this and I just think it's funny!