Hey All,
I just wanted to put some pics up here so you remember what we look like or see how we've changed since I don't do so well at updating this! We're hoping to take family pictures soon, so I will do my best to get those mailed out! ha ha. None of you go have even gotten Gabi's 5 month photos and she's 10 months now!!! LOL oh well. I'll send them with the family pics........

Gabi LOVES electronics...go figure. She also loves her sister. These two are just about always together. Gabi leaves us when Miracle gets home from school and only comes around when she needs to be changed or eat--rather, when she needs her food pulled down and warmed up because Miracle feeds her too!

I know this is a bad picture since I cut off her head, but it was the only one she gave me today with a smile and eye contact!

And of course, B-Boy Josh. I'll have to work on catching him when he does his beat boxin or hip hop dancin....sometimes even a little break dancing too! (Oh, I love hand me downs! thanks KB)
I guess I should think of some updates since I haven't talked to anyone in awhile.
- Gabi has her 3rd double ear infection (with no real symptoms, just a mom's hunch)
- The Doc says I have hi blood pressure, but the water pills he prescribed will probably stop my supply (still nursing) so I'm going to hold off until after Gabi is weaned.
- We'll be headed to Ohio in 2 weeks for the memorial service of my Uncle Gene who was my Daddy's twin. Uncle Gene passed March 10, 2009 and Daddy passed March 12, 2005.
- We've pretty much decided to homeschool next year------So pray for us!!!! LOL I'm already feeling God's grace to do it and even getting excited about it, so I think it will be good for the kids....overall....in the long run!?!?!? I'm glad to get them out though because Miracle's friends are into boys and we (Dell & I) are just not ready for that!
I think that's about it. Until next guilt trip.... Jo