In January I started getting excited about our anniversary and would just bust out with, "10 YEARS!!!" and spirit fingers!! (because I was a cheerleader of course!) And because I have learned from my marriage that I need to clearly communicate what I want, I made sure that Wendell knew I wanted to do something really special this year. So while he was deployed he started making plans to surprise me with a trip to Hawaii and by the time he got home, he only had a few weeks to get some final arrangements for our trip and vow renewal that he was coordinating with our friends, Larry & Kennesha (who are stationed in Hawaii). We were blessed to be able to have Ivana come to our house for a week to watch our kids while we were gone, so we had no worries about the kids, and that was great.
Unlike last time we were in HI, we got to see the residential side of the island, which is very different from being a tourist, but guess what? I still love it. I said to Wendell two days ago how much I missed and loved Hawaii and can't wait to go back. Anyway, I'm going to talk too much and you really just want to see pictures, right? Okay okay. Here you go:
My next post will have some pictures from our vow renewal, but I didn't want to cram it all into one post. I just wanted to share that we went down, saw our friends, our beautiful God-children and I even got to see one of my friends from high school, Terri, and meet her husband, Ben. We reconnected on Facebook and her husband is stationed down there in the Navy, so they came to our vow renewal too. It was really nice. Something else special while there was that we got to see Caleb on his first day of Kindergarten. It was emotional for me because I'm a sap, but also because I remember going to San Antonio to help Kennesha after Caleb was born. My babies are all growing up....
Next is Vow pics and HOMESCHOOL!!!
Very neat! Love the pictures. I would love to go to Hawaii sometime! Take care Heidi