Monday, June 15, 2009

Good News & Bad News

Like most people, I'll do bad news first.

Today was going to be the beginning of my super "vacation" from my 3 older kids; it was going to be just Gabi and me all week from 9-noon while the kids were at Vacation Bible School! I had big plans. Well, actually I was just going to run a lot of errands without so much complaining from the kids who know how to use their words.

Unfortunately, when I picked them up my friend came to me and told me that Josh couldn't come back because he was too young. So naturally I thought he was just misbehaving, but in actuality they changed the age requirements but it was not on the registration form, nor the information board (and I'm not quite sure how or why they checked me in this morning after saying he was 3!) So I had to break the news (and I keep having to break it to him) that he's not going back to VBS because he has to be 4. His response is that he IS 4 now. We'll see how that works out tomorrow morning!

In addition to that bad news, Brianna's teacher marched her over and said, she doesn't feel good. I knew Brianna's stomach hurt in the morning, but she managed to eat a cereal bar, so I thought nothing of it. But she was warm after VBS and throughout the day her temp has crept up to 100 degrees. She was able to eat a piece of toast and some water, but she didn't like the taste of the pedialyte I tried to make her drink....said it tasted like a baby drink. Now I didn't realize that my kids were sick until Miracle told me that Brianna didn't eat snack at VBS (which is one of her favorite snacks--Cheetos) and ate crackers instead. And then Josh didn't want to eat lunch or dinner and only drank water today. His temp has been close to 102 all afternoon. So between my always hungry, high-energy kids not eating and BOTH taking a nap today----my babies are not well! LOL

So my good news! I made good use of my only 3 hours alone with Gabi, we went to the commissary and she fell asleep on the way back (because they ALL woke up at 630 this morning). Once I put her in bed I unloaded all the groceries and decided to straighten up our garage because we haven't been able to park in it for about 2 months. I was highly motivated by the rain that lasted about 7 hours today which led to another cancelled baseball practice. Within 1 hour I had boxes somewhat sorted and stacked so that I could pull the van back into the garage. YIPPEE!!!!!

Maybe my good news doesn't seem so super for a blog, but it's a big deal to me. Especially because I did it and I normally don't even like to stand out there while Wendell works in the garage. So I hope Wendell reads this post!!! LOL

Side note-- you know what I love now? This may sound silly, but God has blessed us with 3 baby bunnies that spend a lot of time in our yard. When we first saw them they would fit in the palm of your hand they were so tiny. Through the weeks I have watched them grow and i think it is so neat how wild animals inhabit the same territory and are unaffected by each other. Earlier I watched from the kitchen window how the bunny was scratching his ears while a lightning bug flew all around him and a robin was looking for food. When the robin flew off abruptly the bunny didn't even flinch--just kept going about his business. It just makes me think about how silly we are as humans. We're ALL humans and yet let ourselves get affected by even the smallest movement or change by another person. If we could just stay focused on what God has called us to do and not get so distracted by the people around us. It just got me thinking.....all this to say that I love to watch our baby bunnies grow and mature in our backyard and I'll miss them when they're full grown and I can't tell them apart from the older rabbits.

here are my babies! Aren't they so cute?!?!? It was so hard not to try and pick them up. Wendell wouldn't let me! But for a few weeks we had to be really careful cutting the grass because they were so small we couldn't see them at all.


  1. Babes,

    I am so proud of you, and love you beyond measure! You should glorify God at all times for what he is doing through you for our family. You are often in "single-parent mode" while I am traveling, and God has developed you into a virtuous woman, amazing wife, and the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD!!! I love you!

    Salalah, Oman
